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5 Interesting Facts About R.E.M

Ok, so R.E.M was a talented band, had amazing radio hits in 90s, and won GRAMMY awards thrice.

And, yes, after the release of Murmur in 1983, their music became popular in almost every college dorm in the country.

But this probably lasted till late 90’s only.

Now you don’t find many youngsters listening to their Jangle pop or wearing R.E.M t-shirts.

So, then, why this post? Is R.E.M music still relevant?

I admit I don’t know the answer to the second question. Or maybe I don’t want to search for an answer because I’m afraid it might well be a ‘no’.

That said, I’m sure there are thousands of millennials all over the world who still listen to this alternative rock band at least once in a while. Some perhaps even with their Gen z children.

So maybe R.E.M music is not completely forgotten.

Perhaps, when down in dumps, people, including youngsters, still feel a bit hopeful or at least not completely lost when they listen to Everybody Hurts.

For me, that’s a good enough reason to pen this post.

It’s dedicated to all REM fans out there, as well as youngsters who, while not really die-hard REM fans, appreciate their music.

Here are some interesting facts about this famous band of yesteryears.

They Nearly Picked the Name ‘Negro Wives’ or ‘Cans of Piss’ for Themselves

Before Michael Stripe randomly came across R.E.M in a dictionary, the band was toying around with other names, such as ‘Negro Wives’ or ‘Cans of Piss’.

Thank God, better sense prevailed!

Rolling Stone Named Murmur, Band’s Debut Album, As the Album of the Year

Did you know that Rolling Stone named Murmur the Album of the Year in 1983, ahead of Thriller?

That’s mighty impressive, right?

• R.E.M Produced Three Albums Without A Drummer After Berry Left

Bill Berry was a great drummer, so much so that the Band decided against searching for a replacement after Berry called it quits in 1997. R.E.M used a drum machine, instead. They used it for Reveal (2001) and Around The Sun (2004). Their 2008’s album Accelerate had Bill Rieflin, a former ministry drummer, as a session drummer.

The Title Out of Time was almost literal

R.E.M won three Grammy Awards for 1991’s Out of Time. However, the band had a tough time coming up with a suitable name for this album. Finally, everything else was printed, except the title of the album, and the band needed to make a decision.

That was when one band member quipped that they were nearly ‘out of time’, and others were like, ‘yeah, that’s just the name we wanted!’

The band spilt in 2011—and chances of a reunion are slim

R.E.M shocked their fans when they suddenly announced their decision to break up in 2011. The only consolation was that the band members called it quits amicably.

Probably, the split was not so much because of any feeling of animosity towards each other as the realisation that as a band they have come to the end of the road, with nothing new to offer.

Want to purchase Out of Time and other R.E.M famous albums? Shop music online at by clicking the Shop Music tab at the top of your page.

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