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5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side of the Moon”



So, let’s get this straight: The Wall was a great album but it if there’s one album that defines Pink Floyd’s music, it has got to be “Dark Side of the Moon”.

Of course, this is a biased opinion because for several years not a day passed by when I didn’t listen to this song. Heck, I listen to it very frequently even now!

Yes, I admit it’s my all-time favorite album. It’s my go-to place, metaphorically speaking, when I feel utterly lost, fear for my sanity, or am overwhelmed by an empty, endless void in my heart.

Guess what?

I’m not in minority. Given the fact how amazingly popular this album was and still remains, I’m sure innumerable people all round the world feels the way I feel about this one-of-its-kind album.

One of the best and unique praise that I’ve heard about Dark Side of the Moon is from a friend who said this to me when we’re growing up:”Who needs drugs when you’ve got music like Dark Side of the Moon?”

I always say that there are popular albums and then there is Dark Side of the Moon—and facts prove this too. It remains one of the most popular albums ever, and has sold over 45 million copies worldwide since its release and 15 million units in the U.S. alone.

Famous as this album is, I’m quite sure you might not be aware of the some of the less-known facts about it listed below.

1. This is the first Pink Floyd album which features Roger Waters as its only lyricist




Did you know that Roger Waters started writing lyrics for Pink Floyd albums way back in 1968, which is when A Saucerful of Secrets was released. However, Dark side of the moon was the very first album whose entire lyrics were written by Roger Waters.

While Waters wanted to stick to a cohesive concept, he also wanted lyrics to be more coherent, direct, and lucid then what Pink Floyd had written earlier—and, boy, did he succeed!

2. This album was almost released with the name Eclipse




The band was very clear what it wanted to call this album and that was Dark Side of the Moon. However, before the album was released, Medicine Head, heavy blue rockers from Britain, released an album with the same name. Because of this, Floyd thought it would be better to call their project Eclipse.

Thankfully, Medicine Head’s album didn’t make much of an impression and quickly and irredeemably descended into obscurity, and Pink Floyd could use the original name for their album without any reservations.

3. Pink Floyd premiered Dark Side of the Moon a year before its actual release




What, you didn’t know it?

Well, not many Gen Y or Gen Z fans of Floyd are aware of this fact, either. So, it’s cool.

The band released this album in a live concert on Jan 20th, 1972 at the Brighton Dome. Unfortunately, because of serious technical problems, they couldn’t play all the songs of the album that night. However, throughout their live concerts in 1972, the band played and refined the songs of this album.

4. “On the Run” has little resemblance to its first live arrangement in 1972



To varying degrees, the band tweaked all the songs in the album compared to their renderings in live concerts in 1972. However, the one that underwent most drastic changes was “On the Run”.

Originally titled “The Travel Sequence”, it was meant to be a guitar-influenced jam. However, it underwent a huge electronic makeover, mainly because of EMS Synthi AKS, a modular analog synthesizer. The band also used this portable device in the song “Any Color You Like”.

5. Beatles’ music makes an unlikely appearance in the album




Surprised? Don’t be. Listen to the ending of “Eclipse” carefully. A part of an orchestral version of “Ticket to Ride”, Beatles timeless piece, can be heard ever so faintly just as the recording ends.

Want to buy “Dark Side of the Moon” and other Pink Floyd albums in vinyl? Shop music online at by clicking the Shop Music tab at the top of your page.

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