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Want to start a Vinyl Record Collection? Here are 9 things to keep in mind


Do you want to create a personal vinyl record collection but are not sure from where to start? Or perhaps you think that new vinyl records are priced too high and would like to know from where you can purchase used vinyl records that are in great condition? Or maybe you are confused about which type of turntable you should buy?

If you’ve any of these questions or any other question related to starting a vinyl record collection, this post is just for you.

In this post, we will tell nine things that all budding vinyl record enthusiasts should know about.

So, let’s get started…

  1. How do I start collecting LPs—should I buy my favorite artists’ records first or the latest arrivals?

If you’ve not listened to Vinyl much till now, one thing is sure and that is that you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find how much fuller it sounds compared to mp3. To be able to truly appreciate LPs as a beginner, it is recommended that you start with purchasing LPs of your favorite artists. This will allow you to appreciate the crisper and cleaner sound of LP all the more.

  1. Is there any difference between 7” and 12” records?

Yes, there is. Typically 7” records are singles. They feature one or two tracks. If you just want to buy a single off a record, you should consider buying a 7” record in place of the entire album. Naturally enough, they are a little inexpensive than full-length LPs. 12’’, on the other hand, are full-length albums.

  1. What kind of turntable should I buy?

To be honest, this depends solely on one thing: how much money you want to spend. A professional turntable, along with a receiver and two speakers, will cost you at least two hundred dollars. All-in-one portable turntables, on the other hand, are considerably cheaper, with some options coming for $60 or so.

  1. Many of these new vinyl releases are way above my budget. How can I procure good-quality used records?

We recommend you to check out our music inventory from Discogs or Reverb. We have a sufficiently large collection and all LPs in our collection are in good condition.

  1. Are grading standards of any importance?

The answer is yes, they are. If you want to buy used LPs, you must understand the quality of LP records. If the record has cracks or scratches, definitely the sound will be far from perfect. You are likely to hear distorted sounds, pops, or cracks, which in turn will greatly affect your overall listening experience. What’s more, a record that has lots of scuff marks and scratches can even damage your turntable’s needle.

  1. Can I scratch my Vinyl?

Yes, it is very much possible, especially if you are careless with your collection. When taken good care of, vinyl records are sufficiently durable. However, records that are uncared for can quickly get dirty and scratched.

  1. What’s the best way to clean vinyl?

We recommend you to use a cloth of soft fabric and an all-purpose liquid vinyl cleaner for keeping your vinyl records in good condition.

  1. How do I store my new collection?

Records should be kept in a dry, cool place, with them standing up in a vertical position. You should never stack them on top of one another. If you do, the records can become bent or twist out of shape. Warped records are classified as dead. If your records become warped because of any reason, we recommend you against throwing them. Instead, get in touch with us, and we will repurpose your beloved item, so that it continues to live, if not as a playable item, then as a decorative piece.

  1. What do you mean by repurposing vinyl?

We repurpose vinyl into cool crafts and pieces of art. We can turn it into a wall art, a wall clock, and even a fashion item. As vinyl collectors ourselves, we hate the idea of throwing vinyl away. You will be surprised at how well they can be turned into display items. Just for the record, we would like to make it clear that we repurpose only unplayable vinyl records.





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