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5 Top Reasons for Purchasing Vinyl Records Online



So you want the LP record of your favorite album and have combed the whole length and breadth of the town but to no avail. The record you want is nowhere.

And now you’re feeling like Grrrr! What do I do now?

Relax. Finding a LP record is not so hard—but only when you search online.

That’s why majority of Vinyl record buyers, and there are tens of thousands of them, go on to the web—and not hit the road—when they want to grab a new LP record.

You, too, will do well to follow suit.

Sure enough, the hole-in-the-wall antique LP stores have a pleasant old-world charm about them, but usually their music collection is seriously limited. Getting hold of any record that didn’t rule the Billboard Music Charts in these shops could prove harder than finding Elvis.

Large collection of records is perhaps the number one reason why Vinyl online stores are more popular than physical stores. However, it is not the only reason.

Let’s look at other advantages that online music stores offer.

1.     More comprehensive new inventory

Most physical LP stores procure their LP records from music lovers who want to sell their vinyl records. Therefore, you are unlikely to find many recently-released vinyl records in such shops.

Online vinyl stores, on the other hand, have much better access to new inventory. So if you want a new LP record, check out the online vinyl stores.

2.     Finding music is easy

In case you’ve a long wish list of music that you want to buy, it may take you months, even a few years, to get hold of all of them if you search offline.

This is partly because there are not many fully-dedicated LP stores going around and partly because, as said above, these stores have limited music collection.

And even if you find a LP music store in and around your area with a sizeable collection, you’ll still have to spend considerable time flipping through its stock to find what you’re searching for.

However, no such hassles trouble you when you search vinyl records online. To find out if an online store has the record you want, just type in the album or artist name and you’d know the status. Yes, it’s that simple.

3.     More affordable records

You’ve much better chance of finding records in decent shape at reasonable rates online than offline.

Compared to offline stores, online stores have significantly lower overhead. This is because they don’t need to rent out a store, spend money on utilities, or hire knowledgeable staff members.

4.     Stock records in good shape

Vinyl records at music stores are frequently stored without much care in storerooms. This means you’ll be hard-pressed to find an LP offline that’s free of scratches. Online stores, on the other hand, take much better care of their stock, this could be because they’ve a lower overhead and also because they don’t need to display their records, which means they are free of those greasy finger marks.

5.     Shopping online is more convenient

Let’s face it. Shopping online is much more convenient than shopping offline. The same is true for vinyl records, particularly when you visit an online music store with a superbly-designed and customer-friendly website with advanced search feature.

You can order a whole collection at just a few clicks of your mouse!

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